Participation in Sport Community Programs: The Role of Involvement

Participation in Sport Community Programs: The Role of Involvement

Journal of Sport & Recreation Management
Volume 9, Issue 2
Participation in Sport Community Programs: The Role of Involvement
Efi Tsitskari, Maria Doupa, Giorgos Costa, & Konstantinos Alexandris

Τµήµα Ε̟ιστήµης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισµού, ∆ηµοκρίτειο Πανε̟ιστήµιο Θράκης
Τµήµα Ε̟ιστήµης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισµού, Αριστοτέλειο Πανε̟ιστήµιο Θεσσαλονίκης


The present study evaluated involvement with sport programs and investigated whether gender, age and frequency of participation affect particular behaviour. Sample consisted of 202 participants from Alexandroupolis city (mostly women, 65.8%). The evaluation of involvement was examined through the Modified Involvement Scale (Kyle et al, 2007). Scale’s structural validity confirmed through a series of factor analyses, which revealed three involvement factors: "attractiveness", "self-expression" and "social bonding". Results showed statistically significant differences: a) in terms of sex on «social bonding» (t = -2,731, p<.01) with women (Μ=4,34, S.D.=1,31) scored higher than men (M=3,74, SD=1.06), b) in terms of age on «attractiveness» (F(3,197) = 2,84, p<.05) and “self-expression” (F(3,197)=2,84 , p<.05) showed statistically significant differences between different age groups and c) in terms of frequency of participation on “attractiveness” (F(2,181)=10.17, p<.01) and “social bonding” (F(2,191)=4.02, p<.05), showed significant statistical differences between the non-regular participants and the regular ones. It is important for Municipalities to offer interesting and qualitative sports programs, which will increase loyalty and frequency of participation.


 community sport programs, participants, involvement 

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